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100 Movements
Daniel Sih
100 Movements Publishing
Alan Hirsch, Leonard Sweet, Lisa Rodriguez Watson, Deb Hirsch, Mark DeYmaz, Brian Sanders, Michael Frost
Lance Ford, Danielle Strickland
Michael Frost
Michael Frost, Alan Hirsch
Clare Heath-Whyte
Glen Scrivener
Jeremy Marshall
John Lennox
John Wyatt
Kenneth Taylor
Mack Stiles
Mary Willson Hannah
Nancy Guthrie
Sarah Walton
Simon Camilleri
Nicola Fairbairn, Ruth Hearson
Adrian and Celia Reynolds
Alec Motyer
Alison Brewis
Alison Brewis and Jenny Brake
Alison Brewster, Hannah Green
Andrew Sach & Jonathan Gemmell
Andrew Sach and Jonathan Gemmell
Andy Bannister, Gavin Matthews
Andy Lamberton
Andy Mason
Bethany Lycett
Bhaskar Sreerangam
Bob Lepine
Caleb Batchelor
Carolyn Lacey
Catherine Campbell
Catherine Haddow
CB Martin
Chris Young
Claire Heath-Whyte
Clare Heath-Whyte
Clare Heath-Whyte, Jenny Brake
Clare Luther, Emma Randall
Craig Macintosh
D A Carson
Dan Olson, Craig MacIntosh
Daniel Akin
Dave Boden
David Burge
David Cook
David Gibb
Derek Prime
Dr David Cook
Elisabeth Elliot
Eliza Huie
Eliza Hule
Glen Scrivener
Graham Beynon
Graham Hooper
Heidi Johnston
Helen Buckley
Helen Buckley; Jenny Brake (Illustrator)
J Marsden
Jeremy Marshall
Jeremy Marshall & Mary Davis
Jeremy McQuoid
John Butterworth
John Eddison (University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK)
John Lennox
John Wyatt
Joshua Cooley, Hannah Green
Julia Marsden
Justin Mote
Karen Soole
Kay Mumford
Kenneth Boa
Kenneth George Smith
Kenneth N Taylor, Jenny Brake
Kenneth Padgett
Kenneth Taylor; Jenny Brake (Illustrator)
Kevin DeYoung
Levi Booth
Mack Stiles
Martin Young
Mary Willson Hannah
Matt Carvel
Matt Searles
Matt Smethurst
Maud Kells
Michael A.G. Haykin
Michael Ots
Michael Reeves
Mike Cain & Anna Norman
Mitchell Chase
Nana Dolce
Nancy Guthrie
Nancy Guthrie and Jenny Brake
Nicola Fairbairn & Ruth Hearson
Oliver Lancaster
Patricia St John
Patricia St. John
Paul Barker
Paul Williams
Pauline Hamilton
Peter Lau
Peter Mead
Rachel Menke & Lydia Poore
Reuben Grace
Robert F Scott
Robin Ham
Roger Carswell
Roger Hitchings
Ruth Bridcut
Ruth Hearson
S.D. Smith
Sam Brewster
Sarah Allen
Sarah Dargue
Sarah Hull, Hannah Green
Sarah Rice
Sarah Walton
Simon Camilleri
Tim Chester
Tim Hawkins
Tim Keller
Tony Brown
Tyler Van Halteren
Valerie Theng
Vaughan Roberts
William Taylor
316 Publishing
Steadfast Bibles, Legacy Standard Bible
598 Press
Vanessa Foran
Susy Lee
Matthew Jacoby
A & U Children
Dion Beasley
Dion Beasley, Johanna Bell
Emily Rodda
Johanna Bell
Johanna Bell, Dion Beasley
unknown author
A M G Publishers
Jenny Cote
AAPC Publishing
Jennifer Veenendall
ABC Books
Dr Mark Cross
Richard Glover
Roy Williams
Abilene Christian University Press
Glenn Pemberton
Abingdon Press
Bob Whitesel
John Swinton
Lyle E. Schaller
Mike Bonem
Paul Scott Wilson
Aboriginal Studies Press
Kanakiya Myra Ah Chee
John Hendrix
Sanna Baker
Abrams Books for Young Readers
John Hendrix
Abrams Fanfare
John Hendrix
Acorn Press
Dr James Pietsch
Dr Katherine Thompson
Dr Mark Stephens
Jill McGilvray
Joel McKerrow
John Harris
Justine Toh
Kara Martin, Stephen Judd, John Swinton
Katherine Thompson
Leon Morris
Mark Greene
Naomi Reed
Natasha Moore
Rachel Herweynen
Roy Williams; Elizabeth Meyers
Ruth Myors
Simon Smart
Stuart Piggin
Tim Costello
ACU Press
Tracy Balzer
Adams Media
Adeline Press
Geoffrey Horne
Keith and Sarah Condie
Dr John Sanford
Eric Liddell
Gary Chapman
Kwok Hin Wong
Michelle Anthony
Pat Gelsinger
Phillip Yancey
Ray Petzolt
Stacey Bieler, Carol Hamrin
Tripp Tedd
Susan White
Affirm Press
Erin Lewis-Fitzgerald
Hannah Moloney
illustrated Kiah Thomas
Lousie Zanni
Melinda Ham
Sarah Allen
The School of Life
Noel Loos
Alabaster Creative Inc
Alan Page Publisher
Alan Page
Albatross Books
Lynette Oates
Alderac Entertainment Group
Alison Shaw
Alison Shaw
Allen & Unwin
Alan Fairley
Chanelle Moriah
Christos Tsiolkas
Craig Silvey
Greg Sheridan
Herve Tullet
Kerrie Eyers and Gordon Parker
Leonard Cronin
Penny Moodie
Ros Moriarty
Ruth Doyle
Allen Lane
Jordan B. Peterson
Alley Cat Games
Nicky Lee
Nicky Lee, Silas Lee
Alphacrucis College Press
Jacqueline Grey
Ambassadors for Christ
John North
American Bible Society
Harriet Hill, Margaret Hill, Richard Bagge & Pat Miersma
Card Games
Bruce G. Epperly
Bruce Stanley
Ellyn Sanna
Ray Simpson
Anamchara Books
Matthew D Arnold
Anchor Distributors
Ancient Vessel Press
George Athas
Andersen Press
Alex Latimer
Eva Eland
Andre Deutsch Ltd
Joel Levy
Andrew Turner
Angel Studios
Angelico Press
Donna Fletcher Crow
Anglican House
Ashley Null
Anglican Information Office
Peter ADAM
Anglican Press Australia
David Mulready
Ian Barnett
Michael Raiter
Anglican Youthworks
Graham Stanton
John Young
Karen Morris
Kate Hurley
Ken Moser
Kristen Young
Ladeane Lindsay
Matt Brain
Matt Malcolm
Patricia Weerakoon
Penny Reeve
Scott Petty
Tabatha Broxholme
Tony & Judy Willis
Zachary Vernon
Anglicare Sydney
Angus Olsen
Angus Olsen
Olsen, Angus
Anne Winckel
Winckel Anne
Andrew G. Shead
Barry Webb
Graeme Goldsworthy
Michael Jensen
Paul Overland
Samuel Emadi
Craig L Blomberg, Darlene M Seal
Jigsaw Puzzle
Playing Cards
Aquila Press
Andrew R. Prideaux
Andrew Reid
Graeme Goldsworthy
John Dickson
John G Mason
Michael Stead
Paul Barnett
Peter Adam, Paul Barnett
Arcane Wonders
Emily Dickinson
John Stuart Mill
Arcturus Publishing
Aurelius Marcus
George Orwell
Ares Games
Ark House
Andrew Hamilton
David Cohen; Stephen Goukroger
Helen McNab
Jo Brennan
John Clark
Naomi Reed
Neil Flower
Steve John
Ark House Press
Ben George
David Pettett
Graham Toulmin
Nada Appleby
Ruth Baker
Sarah Alison
George Statheos
Arkhouse Press
Alan Kelshaw
Art Nature Box
Art Nature Box
Board Game
June Hunt
Athanasius Press
Peter J. Leithart
Atlantic Books
Michael Blastland
Atlas Games
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Ronald W. Richardson
Australia Through Time
Shane Thoms
Australian Church Record
Donald Robinson; Peter G. Bolt (Editor); Mark D. Thompson (Editor)
Mark D. Thompson; Rory Shiner; Anthony Petterson
Peter Bolt (Editor)
Australian Church Resources
Australian Heart Ministries
Kurt Mahlburg
Australian Heart Publishing
Kurt Mahlburg, Warwick Marsh
Australians Together
John Harris
Authentic Kids
Andrew Norton
Erin Balzer
Authentic Media
Bill Medley
Bob Hartman
Claire Page
David Platt
Don Carson
Eileen Crossman
Elisabeth Elliot
Ernest F. Crocker
Geoff Walvin
Graeme Goldsworthy
McDowell Josh
Michael Reeves
Naomi Reed
Nick Page
Oliver D. Crisp
Penny Boshoff
Roger Steer
Sophie Peace
Stephen Reed
Steve Morris
Vaughan Roberts
Winn Collier
Catherine Parks
Ellie Holcomb
Jonathan Leeman
Katy Boatman
Mark Dever
Will & Courtney Kassner
B&H Academic
Andreas J. Kostenberger
Andrew J. Spencer
Courtney Moore
Joseph H. Hellerman
B&H Books
Ellie Holcomb
Joe Rigney
Robin Dance, (in)courage
Thom S. Rainer
B&H Kids
Caroline Saunders
Lauren Chandler, Michelle Carlos
Sam Allberry, Christine Grove
C. H. Spurgeon
Backhouse Books
Rob Bell
A Scott Moreau
Alan Kreider
Alister E. McGrath
Allen P. Ross
Andrew Root
Beth Felker Jones
Bill Hull; Robert E. Coleman (Foreword by)
Bryan Chapell
Chap Clark
Constance M. Cherry
Craig G. Bartholomew
D. A. Carson
Dan Allender
David A. Livermore
David Kinnaman, Mark Matlock
David Starling
Don Richardson
Douglas J Moo
Fritz Ridenour
G. K. Beale
Gordon Fee
James K. A. Smith
James R White
Jared C. Wilson
John Calvin
John Piper
Jon Tyson
Jonathan T. Pennington
Kara Eckmann Powell
Kara Powell, Steven Argue
Kathryn Greene-McCreight
Ken Sande
Mark A. Noll
Mark Galli
Mary J. Evans
Matthew D. Kim
Michael W. Goheen
Michelle DeRusha
Millard J Erickson
Natasha Crain
Paul G. Hiebert
Prof J I Packer, PH.D
Professor Kevin J Vanhoozer (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Teds))
R. C. Sproul
R. Robert Creech
Sarah Clarkson
Scotty Smith
Sheila Walsh
Sheila Wray Gregoire
Sherwood G Lingenfelter
T. Desmond Alexander
unknown author
Warren W. Wiersbe
Wesley Hill
William Dumbrell
Baker Academic
Andrew Root
Anna R. Morgan
Benjamin Windle
Brian Brock, Jason Byassee
Bruce Riley Ashford, Heath A Thomas
Chap Clark
Christopher J. H. Wright, H. Daniel Zacharias
Craig G. Bartholomew & Michael W. Goheen
D.A. Carson
David Bentley Hart
David L. Eastman
Don C. Collett
Gavin Ortlund
George Barna
Jerome H. Neyrey
Justin Ariel Bailey, Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Matthew W. Bates
Michelle Lee-barnewall
Randy S. Woodley
Robert Creech
Scott W. Sunquist, Mark A. Noll
Stanley E. Porter
T. Desmond Alexander
Victor Lee Austin
Baker Book House
Ivy Beckwith
Sara Barratt
Sheila Gregoire
Baker Books
Amy Crouch, Andy Crouch
Anne Bogel
Barbara L. Peacock
Brant Hansen
Charaia Rush
Jamie C. Finn
Jason Young, Jonathan Malm, Andy Stanley
Jason Young, Jonathan Malm, Ray Johnston
Jordan Raynor
Kara Powell, Jen Bradbury, Brad M. Griffin
Kara Powell, Kristel Acevedo & Brad M. Griffin
LMSW Kristin Faith Evans MA, MS, MA Evans, Todd,PhD
Nancy R. Pearcey
Ryan Whitaker Smith & Dan Wilt
Scott Kedersha
Baker Publishing Group
Adriel Booker
Craig L. Blomberg
Gregg R. Allison
Jared Wilson
Lance Witt
R. Michael Allen
Steven Bouma-Prediger
Balboa Press AU
Cullen P. Haynes
Card Game
Jigsaw Puzzle
Banner of Truth
Albert N. Martin
Arnold Dallimore
Arthur Bennett
Arthur G. Bennett (ed.)
Banner of Truth (Created by)
Chad Van Dixhoorn
Cornelis P. Venema
Edward Donnelly
Emily Van Dixhoorn
Garry J. Williams
H.J. Horn
Iain H. Murray
J. C. Ryle; Banner of Truth Trust Staff (Contribution by)
J. Gresham Machen
Jean Calvin; Robert White; Banner of Truth Trust Staff (Contribution by)
John Owen
John Owen; J. I. Packer (Introduction by)
Jonathan Edwards
Louis Berkhof
Mark Jones
Paul Schlehlein
Rebecca VanDoodewaard; Blair Bailie (Illustrator)
Rhett P. Dodson
Richard Rushing
Richard Rushing; Banner of Truth Trust Staff (Contribution by)
Richard Sibbes
Sinclair B. Ferguson
Sinclair Ferguson
Stuart Olyott
Thomas Boston
Thomas Brooks
Banner of Truth Trust
Catherine Vos, Neil McArdle
John Murray
Barbour Publishing
Joanne Simmons
Robb Suggs & Christopher Gray
Baylor University Press
Beverly Roberts Gaventa
Brian Brock
James K. A. Smith
John Swinton
Barry Cooper
Beacon Hill Press
Bruce L. Petersen
Beacon Press
Mary Oliver
Arbinger Institute Staff
Bethany House
Andrew Murray
Chad Veach
Dr. Josh Mulvihill
Josh Mulvihill
Larry Fowler; Josh Mulvihill (General Editor)
Peter Greer; Chris Horst; Anna Haggard (As told to); Andy Crouch (Foreword by)
William Backus; Marie Chapian
Bethany House Publishers
Don Richardson
Elyse Fitzpatrick, Eric Schumacher
Josh Mulvihill
Peter Greer, Chris Horst
Tim Keesee, Joni Eareckson Tada
Bible Reading Fellowship
Graeme Goldsworthy
Helen Paynter
Jane Butcher
Michael Mitton
Mrs Lucy Moore
Ray Simpson
Tony Horsfall
Bible Society
Greg Clarke
Roy Thomas Williams
Sarah Kinstead
Bible Society Australia
Anna McGahan
Art Ayris
Bible Society Australia
Nick Hawkes
Bible Society in Australia
Jason Mandryk
Robert Bell
Big Potato
Board Games
Birdwood Games
Black Inc
Alecia Simmonds
Andrew Leigh
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
David Hunt
David Marr
Frank Bongiorno
Micheline Lee
Shireen Morris
Black Swan
Blackrock Games
Board Game
A.N. Wilson
Bill Hayes
Brock, Brian, Mawson, Michael
George Saunders
Harry Freedman
Johann Hari
Kathy Lette
Marc Cortez
Marc Cortez (Editor); Michael P. Jensen (Editor)
Nadya Pohran
Shelby van Pelt
Temple Grandin
Bloomsbury Academic
Eleanor Parker
Ewan Kelly
Blue Gum Publishing
Bob & Evelyn McDonald
Blue Mountains Education & Research Trust
Jim Barrett
Jim Smith
Blue Orange
Blythswood Care
Emanuela Plantenga
Jigsaw Puzzle
Board Games
Board Games
Brett J. Gilbert & Matthew Dunstan
Dice Sets & Games
Die Hard Dice
Drawlab Entertainment
Exploding Kittens
Gate Keeper Games
Gutter Games
Let's Play Games
Uwe Rosenberg
VR Distribution
VR Games
Bodleian Library
Bodleian Library
Bodley Head
Yanis Varoufakis
Bolinda/Brilliance audio
Covey, Stephen R.
Bolt Publishing Services
Peter Bolt
Bonnier Zaffre
Bear Grylls
Branzos Press
Mandy Smith
Brazos Press
AJ Sherrill
AJ Swoboda
Amy Kenny
Andrew T. Walker
Briget Eileen Rivera
Daniel Bowman (Jr)
Diane Langberg
Elizabeth Oldfield
Eric Jacobsen
James K. A. Smith
Jaroslav Pelikan
Jessica Hooten Wilson
Jonathan Grant
Karen Swallow Prior
Katelyn Beaty
Kelly Kapic
Laura E. Anderson
Lauren F. Winner
Lore Ferguson Wilbert
Mark Yarhouse, Julia Sadusky
Matthew Levering
Micha Boyett
Miroslav Volf
Nijay K. Gupta
Ryan Mcannally-linz & Miroslav Volf
Susannah Griffith
Wyndy Corbin Reuschling; Wyndy Corbin Reuschling
Breaking Games
Breath of Fresh Air Press
Mags Duggan, Tony Horsfall
Tony Horsfall
Tony Horsfall, Debbie Hawker
Tony Horsfall, Steve Brady
Bridge Logos Foundation
Arthur W. Pink
Andrew Moody
Brigitte Grant Photography
Brigitte Grant
Brio Books
Adam Spencer
Josephine Flood
Broad Continent
Grant Lock
Ellie Roscher
Kelley Nikondeha
Broadleaf Books
Broadman & Holman
Alan Thompson
Amy Fenton Lee
Andrew Peterson
Angie Smith
B&H Publishing Group (COR)
Barbara and Stacy Reoach
Daniel Im
Ed Stetzer
Ed Stetzer & Mike Dodson
Eric Geiger
J. T. English
J.D. Greear
Jackie Hill Perry
Jen Wilkin
John Piper
Karen Swallow Prior, Nathaniel Hawthorne
Keith Getty; Kristyn Getty
Lauren Chandler
Lisa-jo Baker
Mary Carver
Michael Kelly
Nik Ripken
Russell Moore
Stuart Scott
Thom Rainer, Ed Stetzer
Thom S. Rainer; Eric Geiger
Thomas R. Schreiner
Timothy Paul Jones
Tori Hope Petersen
Various Authors
Broadman & Holman Academic
Gary V Smith
Broadman & Holman Kids
Scott James
Sharon W Betters, Susan Hunt
Broughton Publishing
Broughton Publishing
Chantel Stewart (Illustrator)
Brumby Books
Cambridge University Press
Book of Common Prayer
Geraint F. Lewis; Luke A. Barnes; Brian Schmidt (Foreword by)
Jeremy Duff
Joel Harrison
Luke A. Barnes
Richard P. Saller
Southwick, Steven M.
Candle Books
Tim Dowley
Candlestick Press
Candlewick Press
Tony Johnston
Canon Press
Tim Chester
Canongate PBS
Michel Faber
Canterbury Press
Dales, Douglas
Capstone Games
Board Game
Carmarthen Highlands Press
Christopher Webber
Cascade Books
Amos Yong
Andrew Lansdown
Andrew Walker & Robin Parry
Bradley C. Hanson
Charles L. Aaron Jr.
D. S. Martin
Graham Joseph Hill
Irene Alexander
Jennifer Anne Cox
Joshua Cockayne, Scott Harrower and Preston Hill
Lucy Peppiatt
Nijay K. Gupta
Paul Tyson
Philip Kern
Presian R. Burroughs, Richard B. Hays
Ryan Lamothe
Stephen Finlan
Tim MacBride
Timothy R. Escott, Walter Moberly
Trevor H. Cairney
Walter Brueggemann
Catan Studio
Catholic Bible Press
C.S. Lewis
George Orwell
Gina Zurlo
J.R.R. Tolkien
Lisa Whittle
Peter Scazzero
Rob Lilwall
sam mcbratney
Toby Green
Tom Mueller
Wendy Cope
Centre For Public Christianity
Natasha Moore, John Dickson, Simon Smart, Justine Toh
Allan Chapple
Andrew Reid, Paul Barnett
David James Morgan
David Seccombe, Paul Barnett
George Athas
John G. Mason, Paul Barnett
John Young
Kristen Young
Martin Pakula, Paul Barnett
Mike Everett
Patricia Weerakoon
Paul Barnett
Penny Morrison
Penny Reeve
Peter Adam
CEP Youthworks
Harriet Connor
Cephalofair Games
Carine MacKenzie
David Luckman
David Luckman, Silvana Di Marcello
Luke H. Davis
Sinclair B. Ferguson
Stephen J. Nichols
Vance Christie
Chelsea Green Publishing Co
Child's Play International Limited
Rachel Fuller
Chosen Books
Bilquis Sheikh
Corrie Ten Boom
Christian Art
Christian Art Kids
Dave Strehler
Christian Basics
John Stott & Chris Wright
Christian Focus
A. W Pink
Aaron Little
Adrian Reynolds
Alan Mann
Alasdair Paine
Alec Motyer
Allan M. Harman
Andrew Brannigan
Andrew Cornes
Andrew Reid
Andrew Strachan
Andy Paterson
Andy Prime
Angelo (ILT) Sinclair B.; Ruta Ferguson
Ann Benton
Belcher Jr., Richard P.
Bob Fyall
Bradley G. Green
Brandon Withrow; Mindy Withrow
Brian Arnold
Brian Croft
Brian H. Cosby
Brian J. Wright
Bruce Ritchie
C. H. Spurgeon
C. H. Spurgeon, Kevin Belmonte
C. L. Chase
C. M. Mackenzie
C.H. Spurgeon
Carine Mackenzie
Carine MacKenzie; Alec Motyer; Catherine Noel Pape (Illustrator)
Carl R. Trueman
Catherine House
Catherine L. Morgan
Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie; Rita Ammassari (Illustrator)
Charles Spurgeon
Chiara (ILT) Catherine; Bertelli Mackenzie
Chris Sinkinson
Christian Focus Publications
Christian George
Christina Fox
Christine Dillon
Christoph Von Schmid
Christopher Ash
Christopher Catherwood
Colin S Smith
Colour and Learn
Connie Dever
Cyril J. Barber
D. Eryl Davies
D.L. Moody
Dai Hankey
Dale Ralph Davis
Dan Steel
Daniel (CON) Duncan (ILT); Van Straaten Carine; McLaren MacKenzie
Daniel Hames
Daniel Strange
David Cook
David Donovan; Shirley Donovan
David Helm
David J. Randall
David Jackman
David Kaywood
David Martin
David Robertson
David Searle
David Short
Dayspring MacLeod
Denise George
Derek Kidner
Derek Thomas
Derick Bingham
Diana Lynn Severance
Diane (ILT) Carine; Mathes MacKenzie
Dolina Maccuish
Dominic Smart
Donald Macleod
Douglas Macmillan
Douglas Sean O'Donnell
Dr Catherine MacKenzie (University of Cambridge)
Dumitru Sevastian
Duncan (ILT) Carine (RTL); McLaren MacKenzie
Duncan (ILT) Carine; McLaren MacKenzie
Ed Josh; Stewart McDowell
Ed Josh; Stewart Mcdowelll
Elaine Snuggs
Emily Darnell
Emily J. Maurits
Eric C. Redmond
Erin Lee Green
Erin Wheeler
Ethel Barrett
Fiat-Serena Professor of Italian Studies John Woodhouse (Oxford University University of Oxford University of Oxford Oxford University University of Oxford)
Flip Michaels
Frank Drown
Frank Retief
Frank Sellar
Fred (ILT) Carine; Apps MacKenzie
Fyall, Bob
Glen Scrivener
Graham Beynon
Graham Hooper
Graham Nicholls
Gregory R. Lanier
Grogan, Geoffrey
Guy Prestiss Waters
Guy Waters
Harman, Allan
Harrison Perkins
Hazel Scrimshire
Helen Roseveare
Helen Thorne–Allenson
Horatius Bonar
Howat, I
Iain Wright, Yannick Imbert
Ian J. Maddock
Irene Howat
Isaac Adams
J R Williamson, Jr
J. C. Ryle
J. H Wilson
J. I. Packer
J. V. Fesko
J.C. Ryle
Jackman, David
Jacob Tanner
James B. Carroll
James M. Hamilton
Jani Ortlund
Janice M. Cappucci
Jean Gibson
Jean Stapleton
Jean Watson
Jeff (ILT) Carine; Anderson MacKenzie
Jeff (ILT) Catherine; Anderson Mackenzie
Jenny Reeves Manley
Jim Cromarty
Joe Barnard
Joel Beeke
Joel Littlefield
John Benton
John C. Kwasny
John Calvin
John D. Currid
John D. Hannah
John Gillespie
John Owen
John Owens
John Perritt
John Piper
John Pollock
John Scott Redd
John Stevens
John Stuart Ross
John W. Keddie
Johnson, Doug
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Gemmell
Jonathan Middleton
Jonathan Moorhead
Jones, Iwan Rhys
Jose Zayas
Joseph Alleine
Josh Moody
Joshua Wester
Julia Cameron
Julie Lowe
Justin O. Hoffman
Karen Soole
Kay Walsh
Kell Garrett
Ken Golden
Kenneth B. Wingate
Keri Folmar
Kim Twitchell
Krista Horning
Kristiny Royovej
Kyle Mcclellan
Lane, Eric
Lara Williams
Larry Dixon
Laura Martin
Lecturer in Law Catherine MacKenzie (University of Cambridge)
Lee Gatiss
Linda Finlayson
Lindsay Brown
Lorna Eglin
Lucille Travis
Lynette G Clark
MacKay, John L
Mackay, John L.
MacKenzie. Carine
Macleay, Angus
Mandy Groce
Margaret Kostenberger; Andreas Kostenberger
Mark A. Deckard
Mark Ashton
Mark Jones
Mark Jones (East Carolina University)
Martin C. Haworth
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Marvin Jones
Mary Ropes
Mary Sherwood; George Bernard Shaw
Mary-Louise Stone
Matt Fuller
Matthew D. Haste; Shane Parker
Matthew Sleeman
Melissa B. Kruger
Mez McConnell
Mez McConnell; Irene Howat
Michael A. G. Haykin
Michael A. G. Haykin (Contribution by)
Michael A. Milton
Michael Bentley
Michael Black
Mike McKinley
Mindy Withrow
Mindy Withrow; Brandon Withrow
Murdo Murchison
Murray A Capill
Nancy Drummond
Natalie Brand
Nate Pickowicz
Nick Needham
O. F. Walton
O.F. Walton
Oana Ciucure
Olan Stubbs
Orlando Saer
Overseas Missionary Fellowship
Panagioti Kantartzis
Pat Ennis
Patricia St. John
Paul Barnett
Paul Gardner
Paul R. House
Paul Reynolds
Paul Tautges
Paul Wells
Paul White
Penny Reeve
Penny Reeve; Fred Apps (Illustrator)
Peter Mead
Philip Graham Ryken
Philip H. Eveson
Philip Ross
Philippa Ruth Wilson
Pipa Jr., Joseph A.
Price, Charles
R A Finlayson
R C Sproul
R. C. Sproul
R. C. Sproul (Contribution by)
R.M. McCheyne
Rachel Ciano
Rachel Lane
Ralph Cunnington
Randall Greenwald
Randall Pederson (Editor)
Ransom Poythress
Ray Ortlund
Reagan Rose
Rebecca Davis
Rebecca VanDoodewaard
Rhett Dodson (Editor)
Richard Baxter
Richard Brash
Richard Brooks
Richard C. Barcellos
Richard Mayhue
Richard P Belcher
Richard P. Belcher Jr.
Rita (ILT) Catherine; Ammassari Mackenzie
Robert Fyall
Robert I. Vasholz
Robert Letham
Robert Petersen
Robert Plummer
Robert S. Fyall
Roger Carswell
Roger Steer
Ronni Kurtz
Ros Woodman
Ross Cunningham
Ruth Maclean
Sam Storms
Samuel Bolton
Samuel G. Parkinson
Sarah Collins
Sean Demars
Sharon Dickens
Sharon James
Simon Austen
Simon Vibert
Sinclair B Ferguson
Sinclair B. Ferguson; Mark Dever
Steve Nation
Steven J. Lawson
Strain, David
Susan Selah; Kahler Helms
Tessa (ILT) Mandy; Janes Groce
Thabiti Anyabwile
Tim Chester
Tim Cooper
Timothy A. Sisemore
Timothy Cross
Trisha Wilkerson
Twila Miles
Vance Christie
Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
Will Dobbie
William J. U. Philip
William P. Smith
William Philip
William Taylor
Zack Eswine
Zondervan Staff; Charles Spurgeon
Christian Focus Publication
Abigail Dodds
Adrian Reynolds
Andrew Bonar
Angus MacLeay
Animals & Pet Supplies
Ben Chang
Betty Swinford
Bob Fyall
Brian J. Wright & John Brown
Christina Fox
Christopher Ash
D. Eryl Davies
Dale Ralph Davis
Dayspring MacLeod
Deborah Howard
Donald Mackay
Douglas F. Kelly
Emilio Garofalo Neto
G. Geoffrey Harper
Gavin Peacock
George F. Maclean
George Smeaton and John Owen
Graham Nicholls
J.M. Gurvsy
John C. Lennox
John Flavel
Josh Moody
Karl Deenick
Kirsten Birkett
Linda Finlayson
Luke H. Davis
Mark Coppenger
Mary K. Mohles
Matthew P.W. Roberts
Mervyn Eloff
Nick Needham
Paul Gardner
Paul Reynolds
Philippa Ruth Wilson
Reuben Hunter
Richard Belcher
Robert Fyall & Robin Sydserff
Scott Lothery
Sean Demars & Mike McKinley
Sharon James
Sinclair B. Ferguson
Terry L. Johnson
Tim Chester
Will Dobbie
Christian Focus Publications
Adrian Reynolds
Alec Motyer
Andrew Green
David A. Smith
David Luckman
Donald Macleod
Jonathan Griffiths
Lisa Derhake
Michael A. G. Haykin
Thomas Boston
Christian Focus Publications Ltd
Carine Mackenzie
Daniel R. Hyde
Ryan M. McGraw
Christian Heritage
Andrew Bonar
C. H. Spurgeon
Horatius Bonar, J. C. Ryle
R. M. McCheyne
Christian Heritage, Cambridge
Charles Spurgeon
Nick Needham
Christian Research Association
Chronicle Books
Dinara Mirtalipova
Kotaro Chiba
Church Army
Conrad Parsons
Church Publishing
Edwin H. Friedman, Peter Steinke
Church Publishing Inc
Dave Worster
Church Society
Lee Gatiss
Lee Gatiss; Michael Ovey; Mark Richard Pickles
Cider Mill Press
Margery Williams
Classic Game Collection
Cobble Hill
Cobblestone Games
Colin Buchanan
Colin Buchanan
Collective Wisdom
Sharon Witt
Sharon Witt; Ivan Smith (Illustrator)
Collective Wisdom Publications
Sharon Witt
Colong Foundation for Wilderness
Alex Colley, Henry Gold
Colour Crazy Games
Concordia Publishing
Connor Court
Greg Bondar
Guy Manuell
Iain T. Benson
Nick Dyrenfurth and Misha Zelinsky
Roberty Forsyth, Peter Kurti
Stephen Hicks
Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd
David Furse-Roberts
Rule of Law Education Centre
Leslie J. Francis, Andrew Village
Continuum Publishing Corporation
Copenhagen Publishing House
Charlotte Thoroe
Copper Canyon Press
Christian Wiman
scott mckendry
Wendell Berry
Counterpoint LLC
Wendell Berry
Counterpoint Press
Wendell Berry; Daniel Kemmis (Contribution by); Courtney White (Contribution by)
Coventry Press
Glenn Loughrey
Create the Life Club Pty Limited
Kerrie Phipps
Kerrie Phipps; Jane Pelusey
Michael Bull
Creation House
Bruce Olson
Creativity Hub
Credo House Publishers
Critical Editions
Guy Debord
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Abigail Dodds
Aimee Joseph
Andrew Wilson
Andy Johnson, David Platt
Betsy Childs Howard, Samara Hardy
Brad Wheeler
Brett McCracken
Brian Rosner
Bryan Chapell
Carl R. Trueman
Carl Trueman
Carolyn Mahaney & Nicole Whitacre
Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Whitacre, Kristin Chesemore & Janelle Bradshaw
Cheryl Marshall, Carol Newheiser
Christopher Ash
Crossway Publishers, Don Clark, Caleb Faires
D. A. Carson
Dane C. Ortlund
Daniel Hames & Michael Reeves
David Gibson
David Murray
Drew Hunter
Drew Hunter, Ray Ortlund
Edward T. Welch
Elliot Clark
Eric Ortlund
Erika Allen
Francis A. Schaeffer
Gavin Ortlund
Gospel Coalition (COR)
Guy Prentiss Waters
J. I. Packer
J.I. Packer
Jared Kennedy
Jen Oshman
Jen Wilkin
Jenny-Lyn de Klerk
Jeremy Linneman
Jeremy Treat, Graham A. Cole, Oren R. Martin
John Piper
Jonathan Gibson
Kathryn Butler
Katie Faris
Kent & Barbara Hughes
Kevin De Young
Kevin DeYoung
Kevin DeYoung, Don Clark
Lucy SR Austen
Mark Thompson
Mark Voegrop
Mark Vroegop, Jen Wilkin
Megan Hill, Melissa Kruger, Lydia Brownback, Courtney Doctor, Lindsey Carlson, Trillia Newbell, Winfree Brisley, Abbey Wedgeworth, Blair Linne, Sharonda Cooper
Melissa B. Kruger
Michael Jensen
Michael Reeves
Nancy Guthrie
Paul David Tripp
Paul E. Miller
Paul Tripp
Peter Orr
R. Kent Hughes
Randy Newman
Ray Ortlund, Sam Allberry, Clark Lowenfield, Russell Moore
Rebecca McLaughlin
Rosaria Butterfield
Ruth Chou Simons
Sam Allberry
Sam Storms
Samuel James
Sharon W Betters, Susan Hunt
Susan Schaeffer Macaulay, Fiona Fletcher
Thomas R. Schreiner, Brian S. Rosner
Tony Reinke
Uche Anzior
Wallace P. Benn
Wayne Grudem
William R. Osborne
Crossway Bibles
Kevin DeYoung
Crossway Books
Ajith Fernando
Alistair Begg
Andreas J. Köstenberger
Andreas J. Köstenberger
Andreas J. Köstenberger, Thomas R. Schreiner
Andrew and Rachel Wilson; Russell D. Moore (Foreword by)
Andrew Reid
Andrew Wilson
Andy Naselli
Anthony J. Carter
Barbara Hughes
Barry Asmus
Barry Danylak; John Piper (Foreword by)
Barry Webb
Bob Kauflin; Paul Baloche (Foreword by)
Bobby Jamieson
Brett McCracken
Brian G. Hedges
Bruce A. Ware
Bruce Demarest
Bryan Chapell
Bryan M. Litfin
C. H. Spurgeon
C. John Collins
C. Michael Patton
C. Samuel Storms
C.J. Mahaney
Cameron Cole
Carl R. Trueman
Carl R. Trueman; Stephen J. Nichols (Series edited by); Justin Taylor (Series edited by); Robert Kolb (Foreword by)
Carol W. Cornish
Carolyn Larsen; Rick Incrocci (Illustrator)
Carolyn Mahaney
Chad Van Dixhoorn
Charles Bridges
Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles Hodge
Chris Brauns
Chris Bruno
Christopher Ash
Christopher W. Morgan
Colin Duriez
Collin Hansen
Conrad Mbewe
Courtney Reissig
Curtis C. Thomas
D. A. Carson
Dan Doriani
Dan Hayden
Dane C. Ortlund
Daniel R. Heimbach
David F. Wells
David Gibson
David K. Naugle
David L. Allen
David Mathis; John Piper (Foreword by)
David Murray
David P. Murray
David R. Helm
David S. Dockery
David VanDrunen
Debby Anderson
Devon Provencher
Donald S. Whitney
Douglas Sean O'Donnell
Douglas Wilson
Drew Hunter
Ed Welch
Edmund P. Clowney
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Elyse M Fitzpatrick
Elyse M. Fitzpatrick
Erik Raymond
Francis A. Schaeffer
Frank E. Peretti
Fred G. Zaspel
Fred Sanders
Gavin Ortlund
Gene Edward Veith Jr.
Gerald Bray
Gerald Hiestand
Gerald L. Bray
Gloria Furman
Gloria Furman (Editor)
Gloria Furman; Jesse Scheumann (As told to)
Graeme Goldsworthy
Graham A. Cole
Greg Gilbert
Greg Lanier
Gregg R. Allison
Gregg R. Allison; John S. Feinberg (Series edited by)
Gregory Alan Thornbury
Gregory K. Beale
Heath Lambert
Heather Arnel Paulsen
Hunter Baker
Iain M. Duguid
Ian K. Smith
J. Alasdair Groves; Winston T. Smith
J. B. Lightfoot
J. I. Packer
J. I. Packer (Introduction by); Michael S. Lundy (Notes by)
J. Mack Stiles
J. Mark Bertrand
J. P. Moreland
J. Ryan Lister; Anthony M. Benedetto (Illustrator)
Jacquelle Crowe
James M. Hamilton Jr
James M. Hamilton Jr.
James Montgomery Boice
James Shrimpton
Jane Stuart Smith
Jared C. Wilson
Jeff T. Purswell
Jeff Vanderstelt
Jeff Vanderstelt; Jackie Hill Perry (Foreword by)
Jen Wilkin
Jeramie Rinne
Jeremy Pierre
Jerram Barrs
Jerry Bridges
Joe Rigney
Joe Rigney; Stephen J. Nichols (Series edited by); Justin Taylor (Series edited by)
Joel Beeke
Joel Beeke; Sinclair B. Ferguson (Foreword by)
John A. Bloom
John Bunyan
John Calvin
John Clark
John Dunlop
John Dunlop, MD
John Lennox
John MacArthur
John Mark Reynolds
John Onwuchekwa
John Piper
John Piper; Elisabeth Elliot (Foreword by)
John S. Feinberg
John Woodhouse
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Leeman
Jonathan Leeman; Mark Dever (Foreword by)
Jonathan Leeman; Michael S. Horton (Foreword by)
Josh Moody
Justin Buzzard; Tullian Tchividjian (Foreword by)
Justin S. Holcomb
K. Scott Oliphint
Katherine Forster
Kathleen Nielson
Kathryn Butler
Kathy Keller (Introduction by)
Kelly M. Kapic
Keven De Young
Kevin DeYoung
Kevin DeYoung; Don Clark (Illustrator)
Larry Woiwode
Laurel Woiwode
Lee Gatiss
Leland Ryken
Lindsey Carlson
Lydia Brownback
Marcus Peter Johnson
Mark Dever
Mark Dever; Paul Alexander
Mark Jones
Mark Vroegop
Marshall Segal
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Marvin Olasky
Matt Chandler
Matthew Barnett
Matthew Barrett
Matthew Henry
Matthew J. Barrett
Matthew McCullough
Max Lucado
Megan Hill
Melissa Kruger
Melody Carlson
Mez McConnell
Michael A. G. Haykin
Michael Horton; Stephen J. Nichols (Contribution by); Justin Taylor (Contribution by)
Michael J. Kruger
Michael Jensen, Ben Kwashi, Michael Nazir-Ali, Ashley Null, John W. Yates III
Michael Lawrence
Michael LeFebvre
Michael Reeves
Michael S. Beates; Joni Eareckson Tada (Foreword by)
Mike Cosper
Mike McKinley
Miles V. Van Pelt
Millard J. Erickson
Nancy Guthrie
Nancy Pearcey
Nathan Busenitz
Neil Shenvi
Noél Piper
Norman L. Geisler
Os Guinness
Pat Ennis
Paul David Tripp
Paul E. Miller
Peter J. Gentry
Peter J. Williams
Philip Graham Ryken
R. C. Sproul
R. Kent Hughes
Randy Alcorn
Ray Ortlund
Raymond C. Ortlund (Jr.)
Raymond C. Ortlund Jr
Rebecca McLaughlin
Richard D. Phillips
Richard Owen Roberts
Robert A. Peterson
Robert Letham
Rosaria Butterfield
Russell D. Moore
Russell Moore
Ryan Kelly
Sam Alberry
Sam Storms
Scott J. Hafemann
Scott Swain
Shona Murray
Sinclair B. Ferguson
Sinclair B. Ferguson; Timothy Keller (Foreword by)
Starr Meade
Starr Meade; Tim O'Connor (Illustrator)
Stephen J. (EDT) Justin (EDT); Nichols Michael; Taylor Reeves
Stephen J. Nichols
Stephen J. Nichols; Ned Bustard (Illustrator)
Stephen J. Wellum
Stephen T. Um
Steve Jeffery
Susan Hunt
Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
T. Lively Fluharty
Thabiti M. Anyabwile
Thomas Chalmers
Thomas R. Schreiner
Tim Challies; John MacArthur (Foreword by)
Tim Chester
Tim Keesee
Tim Keller
Tim Savage
Timothy Z. Witmer
Todd Wilson
Tony Evans
Tony Reinke
Tony Reinke; John Piper (Foreword by)
Tony Reinke; Stephen J. Nichols (Series edited by); Justin Taylor (Series edited by); John Piper (Foreword by)
Vern S. Poythress
Victor Kuligin
Voddie Baucham Jr.
Voddie Baucham, Jr.
William Edgar
William P. Smith; Paul David Tripp (Foreword by)
Zack Eswine
Crown & Covenant
Rosaria Butterfield; Crown and Covenant Publications (Produced by)
Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
Rosaria Champagne Butterfield; Crown and Covenant Publications (Produced by)
Crown Publishing
Bowles Random House
Ian Thomas
Crown Publishing Group
Andrew Peterson
Leslie Vernick
Cruciform Press
Jimmy Davis
Jonathan Holmes
Tim Challies
Vaneetha Rendall Risner
CSIRO Publishing
Catherine Clowes
Catherine Clowes, Rachel Gyan
Jeff Davies
Cubicle 7
Currency Press
Glyn Trefor-Jones
Czech Games Edition
Dan Warlow
Dan Warlow
Darrington Press
Daughters of Love & Light
Emily Maurits
David C Cook
David C. Cook 3rd (Prepared for Publication by); Sergio Cariello (Illustrator); Doug Mauss (Editor)
Dr. Preston Sprinkle
Francis Chan
J Warner Wallace
John MacArthur
Preston Sprinkle
Rankin Wilbourne; John Ortberg (Foreword by)
Richard Wurmbrand
Strahan Colemen
Days of Wonder
Ticket to Ride
Deep River Books LLC
Jean Johnson
Deep Water
Marek Tupy
Del Rey Physical
Danielle L. Jensen
Design Heroes
Diamond Hill Publishers
Chap Bettis
Dirt Lane Press
Irena Kobald
Margrete Lamond
Matt Otley
Andrew Graystone
Don't Panic Games
Donald & Nan Howard
Dorling Kindersley
Chris Young
Jess French
Alex Harris; Brett Harris
Caleb Kaltenbach
Steve Farrar
Ben Pakula
Board Game
Drumond Park
DSS Gmes
Dungeons and Dragons
Dutch Blitz Game Go
Theodore H. Schwartz
Eagle Gryphon
Eagle Gryphon Games
Trevor Cairney
Andrew F. Walls, Andrew F. Walls, Brian Stanley
Ben Witherington III
Christine D. Pohl
D A Carson
D. A. Carson
Daniel L. Migliore
David Bentley Hart
Eugene H. Peterson
G. K. Beale
George McDonald
Harry R. Boer
J. I. Packer
Jack R Reese
John D. Witvliet
John Swinton
Jonathan R. Wilson
M. Craig Barnes
Mark A. Noll
Michael Horton
Michael W. Goheen (Editor)
Oliver O'Donovan
Paul Barnett
R. Paul Stevens
R. T. France
Richard A. Burridge
Richard A. Wright
Richard R. Osmer
Robert H. Mounce
Sidney Greidanus
Stanley J. Grenz
Thomas Berg
Wesley Hill
William Lane Craig
Eerdmans Publishing
David J. Shepherd & Christopher J.h. Wright
Eugene H. Peterson
John Murray
Mark A. Noll
Miikka Ruokanen and Paulos Huang
Egmont Books
A. A. Milne
A. A. Milne; E. H. Shepard (Illustrator)
Eider Books
John Woods
EK Books
Paul Russell
Elephant Tree Publishing & Missing Pages Books
Lucy Marrett
Elliott & Thompson
Rob Cowen, Nick Hayes
Emanate Books
Doreen Virtue
Emerald Books
Emergent Ys
Doug Fields
Empower Leaders Publishing Ltd
Emu Music
EMU Music
Garage Hymnal
Carla Laureano
Kristen Young
Morgan L Busse
Enclave Publishing
Kristen Young
End Game Press
Caris Snider
Endless Games
Engaging with Islam
Peter Prineas & Henry Gold
Envy Born Games
EP Books
Sharon James
Epic Fail Game
Eris Alar
Eris Alar
Essence Publishing
Bruce Dunning
Esther Ahmad
Jigsaw Puzzle
Evangelical Press
Ann Benton
Brian Croft, James Carroll
Bruce McLennan
Dane Ortlund
Dave Furman
Dr Chris Richards & Dr Liz Jones
John Blanchard
Melvin Tinker
Mostyn Roberts
Paul Williams
Richard Brooks
Tim Chester
Even Toys & Games
Jenny Brown
Paul Russell
Sally Fawcett
Exploding Kittens
Card Game
Exploding Kittens
Party Games
Caryn Rose
Eliot, T.S.
James Vincent
Kazuo Ishiguro
Oyeyemi, Helen
Faber & Faber
Kieran Larwood
Marilynne Robinson
Faber Et Faber
Keegan Claire
Faber Factory
Sally Tertini and Steve Pollard
Tina Oziewicz
Faith Alive Christian Ministries
Barbara J. Newman
Faithlife Corporation
Andrew David Naselli
John Webster
Family Systems
Jenny Brown, Lauren Errington
Family Systems Practice
Jenny Brown
Fantasy Flight Games
Card Game
Fantasy Flight Games
Reiner Knizia
Fares Ksebati
Fares Ksebati
Farrar Straus Giroux
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Christian Wiman
Wiman, Christian
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Christian Wiman
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc
Christian Wiman
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Christian Wiman
Tracy Ponich
Fifty Days Press
Chrissy Guinery
Fire Wheel Press
Cecily Anne Paterson
Cecily Paterson
Lorien Atwood
Firewheel Press
Cecily Anne Paterson
Cecily Paterson
Paterson, Cecily Anne
Jon Fosse, Damion Searls
Flame Tree Gift
Flame Tree Studio
Floris Books
Gerda Muller
Loes Botman
Flying Eye Books
Joe Todd-Stanton
Focus on the Family
Joni and Joni and Friends Inc.
Kristen Jenson
Kate Pocklington
Formal Ferrett
Fortress Press
John Swinton
N. T. Wright
Walter Brueggemann
Founders Press
Chad Vegas & Alex Kocman
Francisan Media
Walter Brueggemann
Free Spirit Publishing
Elizabeth Verdick
Friendly Rabbit
Frontier Mission Fellowship
Sadiri Joy Tira
Fun Forge
Future Horizons Incorporated
Beth Aune
Gale Force 9
Card Game
Board Games
Greg Loring-Albright, Nick Brachmann, Kyle Ferrin
Card Game
Garratt Publishing
Anglican Synod (Editor)
Malcolm Guite
Michael McGirr
Gecko Press
Juliette MacIver & Sarah Davis
Ulrich Hub
Hive Pocket
Genesis Publications
Olivia Harrison
Genius Games
Card Game
German Bible Society
Donald R. Vance, George Athas, Yael Avrahami, Jonathan G. Kline
German Bible Society
Gibsons Games
Playing Cards
Giramondo Publishing
Carman, Luke
Gig Ryan
Lachlan Brown
Glen Cove Press
Debbie Fox (Illustrator); Kristen A. Jenson; Gail Poyner (As told to)
Good Book Company
Abbey Wedgeworth
Adam Ramsey
Alastair Begg
Alex Webb-Peploe (Illustrator); André Parker (Illustrator)
Alison Mitchell
Alison Mitchell; Catalina Echeverri (Illustrator)
Alistair Begg
Barnabas Piper
Brian Seagraves; Hunter Leavine
Carl Laferton
Carl Laferton; Catalina Echeverri (Illustrator)
Carolyn Lacey
Catalina Echeverri (Illustrator)
Chris & Melissa Swain
Chris Cipollone
Chris Morphew
Christopher Ash
Christopher Ash; Alison Mitchell
Clive Thorne
Clive Thorne; Robin Thomson
Dan Dewitt, Catalina Echeverri
Daniel DeWitt; Catalina Echeverri (Illustrator)
Daniel Strange
David R. Helm
Ed Drew
Eric Schumacher
Faith Chang
Gary Millar
Glen Scrivener
Helen Thorne
Helen Thorne & Steve Midgley
James Hughes
Jane Tooher
Jen Oshman
Jennifer M. Kvamme
Jo Boddam-Whetham; Alison Mitchell
John Hindley
Joni Eareckson Tada
Lauren Chandler; Catalina Echeverri (Illustrator)
Liz Wann
Mark Meynell
Matt Chandler
Matt Fuller
Melissa Kruger
Michael J. Kruger
Michael Jensen
Mike McKinley
Mitchell, Alison; Echeverri, Catalina
Peter Woodcock; Anne Woodcock
Phillip Jensen
R. Albert Mohler
Rachel Gilson
Rachel Jones
Randall Goodgame; Catalina Echeverri (Illustrator)
Rebecca McLaughlin
Richard Coekin
Rico Tice
Rico Tice; Nate Morgan Locke
Robin Thomson
Sam Allberry
Sam Allberry; Anthony Bewes
Sophie de Witt
Stephen McAlpine
Steve Robinson, Brian Howard (foreword)
Tim Chester
Tim Keller
Tim Lane
Tony Merida
Trillia Newbell
Good Games Company
Good Seed
Gospel Coalition, The
Gospel Groundwork
John McClean
Tim Adeney
Gospel Light
Billy (FRW) Frances; Graham Dr.; Blankenbaker Henrietta Mears
Grace Abounding Books
David Mansfield
Miriam Chan & Sophia Russell
Sally Bathgate
Grace Publishing House
Thomas Goodwin
David W. F. Wong
I'Ching Thomas
John Ting
Kara Martin
Mark Chua
Pak-Wah Lai
Jonathan Roberts, Hannah Rounding
Grain Free and Happy Kitchen
Christine Ciancio
Robert Macfarlane
Great Commission Publications
Calvin Knox Cummings
Green Hill Publishing
Andrew Laird
David Barter
Dr Bruce Robinson
Elizabeth Yip
Tim Adeney, Stuart Heath
Growing Faith
Jodie McIver
Patricia Weerakoon
Guilford Publications
Board Game
Adam Gopnik
Jane Carkill
Konstantin Kisin
Marilynne Robinson
Mark McCrindle
Stan Grant
Tim Keller
Hachette Australia
David Johnson
Hank Green
James Acaster
Marilynne Robinson
Mary Oliver
Michael Robothom
Pat Thomas & Claire Keay
Shaun Tan
Stan Grant
Hachette Children's Books
Leigh Bardugo
Sophie Gonzales
Hachette Children's Group
Giles Andreae
HammondCare Media
Linda Barclay, Rebecca Forbes
Hampton Roads Publishing
Rumi, Maryam Mafi, Narguess Farzad
Hardie Grant Books
Aunty Munya Andrews
Clive Hamilton, Mareike Ohlberg
Meliissa Mylchreest
Tim Costello
Hardie Grant Explore
Rosemary Kariuki
Hardie Grant Publishing
Jen Chillingsworth
Harding House Publishing Service Incorporated
Ellyn Sanner
George MacDonald
Kenneth McIntosh
Ray Simpson
Harper Collins
C.S. Lewis
Dervla McTiernan
J. R. R. Tolkien
Lloyd Devereux Richards
Michael J. Behe
Rebecca Ross
Sally Lloyd-Jones & Jago
Harper Collins Australia
Alan and Barbara Pease
C.S. Lewis
Costa Georgiadis
Stan Grant
Harper Collins Publishers
J.R.R. Tolkien
Sally Lloyd-Jones
Harper Collins US
Joe Greer
Ann Voskamp
Bev Aisbett
Brian S. Rosner; Jonathan Lunde (General Editor)
C. S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis
Costi Hinn
D. A. Carson; Douglas J. Moo; Andrew David Naselli (Editor)
Dan Kimball, Sean McDowell
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Gordon D. Fee; Douglas Stuart
Gregory Koukl
J R R Tolkien
J. D. Greear
J. R. R. Tolkien
Jackie French
John Lennox
Joshua D. Chatraw; Karen Swallow Prior
Julius Kim
Kelly M. Kapic; Justin L. Borger (As told to)
Kelly Pulley (Illustrator); Zondervan Staff
Lauren F. Winner
Lee Strobel
Lee Strobel; Leslie Strobel (As told to)
Livermore, David
Megan Boudreaux
Michael Horton
Nabeel Qureshi
Osip Mandelstam
Peter Horrobin; Greg Leavers
Peter Scazzero
Philip Yancey
Preston Sprinkle
Rick Warren
Sally Lloyd-Jones
Sally Lloyd-Jones; Alice Jago
Sally Lloyd-Jones; Jago (Illustrator)
Sarah Mackenzie
Sebastian Traeger & Greg Gillbert
Simon Winchester
William D. Mounce
Zondervan Publishing
Zondervan Publishing House (COR)
Zondervan Staff
HarperCollins – US
Cloud, Henry
HarperCollins AU
Bev Aisbett
HarperCollins Australia
C. S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis
Ken Duncan
Victoria Brookman
HarperCollins Publishers
Carl Reinecke
French, Jackie
Freya Blackwood
K.J. Ramsey
Karen Wynn Fonstad
Meg Mason
Sawrey, Karen
Simon Shuster
HarperCollins Religious
Andy Stanley
C.S. Lewis
Harney, Sherry
Krispin Mayfield
Scot McKnight
Harry N. Abrams
Charles M. Schulz, Gene Jr. Kannenberg
Hart Publishing
Alex Deagon
Harvard Business Review Press
Friedman, Stewart D.
Harvard Business Review,
Heifetz, Ronald A.
Kegan, Robert
Kotter, John P.
Harvard University Press
Charles Taylor
Eugene McCarraher
Harvest Books
Temple Grandin
Harvest House
Byron Forrest Yawn
Danielle Hitchen
Dannah & Bob Gresh
Dannah Gresh
David Hawkins
Elizabeth George
Emily A. Jensen & Laura Wifler
Emily Jensen
Emily Jensen, Laura Wifler
Harvest House
Jim George
Joe Dallas
Leslie Vernick
Ruth Chou Simmons
Ruth Chou Simons
Shirley Redmond
Tim Challies
Wynter Pitts
Harvest House Publishers
Christie Purifoy
Elizabeth George
Emily A. Jensen
Hillary Ferrer
Hillary Morgan Ferrer, Amy Davison
Hillary Morgan Ferrer, Julie Loos
Jim George
Melissa B. Kruger, Emily A. Jensen, Laura Wifler
Neil Shenvi, Pat Sawyer, Carl R. Trueman
Ruth Chou & Troy Simmons
Ruth Chou Simons
Sally Clarkson
Tsh Oxenreider
Harvest Kids
Laura Wifler
Shirley Raye Redmond
Card Game
Word Game
Word Games
Jeanine Cummins
Octavia E. Butler
Heart in Mind
Jonathan Andrews
Board Games
Charles H. Spurgeon
Gordon L. Isaac
Jonathan Kline
June Hunt
Hendrickson Publishers
John Foxe
Herald Press
Christina N. Peterson
Ed Cyzewski
Stuart Murray
Hey Sigmund Publishing
Karen Young
Highland Books
Margaret Wardell, Ram Gidoomal
Juggling Balls
Adeleye, Femi Bitrus
Adeyemo, Tokunboh
Agang, Sunday Bobai
Andria, Solomon
Biwul, Joel K. T.
Boaheng, Isaac
Chukwuocha, A. C.
Darko, Daniel K.
Kalengyo, Edison Muhindo
Kamau, Ken
Katembo, Fabrice S.
Kisoni, Benjamin
Kunhiyop, Samuel Waje
Mburu, Elizabeth
Mutonono, Dwight S. M.
Ngewa, Samuel
Osotsi Mojola, Aloo
Sanusi, Abidemi
Tokunboh Adeyemo
Turaki, Yusufu
Hodde & Stoughton
Tim Keller
David Almond
Tim Keller
Hodder & Stoughton
Adrian Plass
Alister McGrath
Andrew Ollerton
Andrew Peterson
Andy Crouch
Anne Lamott
Bear Grylls
Brother Andrew
David Watson
Eugene Peterson
Foster, Richard
Henri Nouwen
J. I. Packer
Jackie Pullinger
Jo Swinney
John Mark Comer
Keller, Timothy
Krish Kandiah
Michael Green
New International Version
Nick Page
Paula Gooder
Pete Grieg
Peter Greig
Philip Yancey
Philip Yancy
Thomas Cahill
Tim Keller
Timothy J. Keller
Timothy Keller
Tyler Stanton
Walter Brueggemann
Hodder Faith
Brooke Ligertwood
J.I. Packer
Nick Page
Paula Gooder
Tim Keller
Holman Bible
Holman Bible Publishers
Holman Bible Publishers
Hot Key Books
Holly Black
Houghton Mifflin
Mary Oliver
Humilis Hastings
Penelope Wilcock
Hunter Writers Centre
Lachlan Brown
Hyams Publishing
Jonathan Clerke
Board Games
Ignatius Press
G. K. Chesterton
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Images Publishing
Hannah Jenkins
Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
Dhirendra Kumar Sahu
Andrew Peterson
Angus Olsen
Charles Williams
Christine Dillon
Danny Caine
David Mansfield
Dr Penny Burns
Gordon Menzies
Janet Evans & Dr Amelia Haines
Jayson Georges
Jennie Deane
Judy LK Douglas
Kobe the Pyr
Metal Sign
Michael Babbage
Michelle Ng
Monk Maanual
Neri Morris
Old Folk
Peter Sondergeld
Renae Payne
Roger S Fankhauser
Romi Grossberg
Simon Van Bruchem
Susan Chapman
Tom Chapman
Tom French
Yoel Frank
Indie Artist
Josh Goscombe
Indie Game Studios
Instant Apostle
Chick Yuill
Rahil Patel
International Sharif Bible Society
Andrew Philip Schachtel
InterVarsity Press
John Stott
Kirk Patston, Paul Barnett
Tim Muehlhoff, Richard Langer
Irene Voysey
Iron Stream Media
Isaac Publishing
Barnabas Fund
Dr Patrick Sookhdeo Ph. D. (London ) D.D. (Western Seminary Oregon) D.D. (Nashotah House)
Isaac Publishing (Produced by); H. Dermot McDonald
Isaac Publishing Staff; Patrick Sookhdeo
Patrick Sookhdeo
Rosemary Sookhdeo
Isaac Publishing LLC
Patrick Sookhdeo
Rosemary Sookhdeo
Smpat Chorbadjian, Patrick Sookhdeo
Chris Mulherin
Graeme Clark
Tony Rinaudo
Matthew Fox
Adam McHugh
Adam S. McHugh; Scot McKnight (Foreword by)
Adele Ahlberg Calhoun
Al Hsu
Alan Noble
Alec Motyer
Amanda W. Benckhuysen
Amy L. Sherman; Reggie McNeal; Steven Garber (Afterword by)
Amy Orr-Ewing
Andrew Marin
Andrew T. Abernethy
Andrew T. LePeau
Andy Crouch
Barry Webb
Benjamin T. Conner
Benno Van Den Toren & Kang-San Tan
Bethany McKinney Fox; John Swinton (Foreword by)
Bob Burns; Tasha Chapman; Dona
Brandon D Smith & Lewis Ayres
Brandon J. O'Brien
Brian J. Walsh; J. Richard Middleton
Bruce Milne
C Christopher Smith
Chris Wright
Christine Dillon
Christopher Ash
Christopher Gehrz
Christopher J H Wright
Chuck DeGroat; Richard J. Mouw (Foreword by)
Chuck DeGrout
Craig G. Bartholomew & Paige P. Vanosky
Craig G. Bartholomew; Ryan P. O'Dowd
Dalene Joy Fisher
Dave Bookless
David M. Csinos; Ivy Beckwith; John H. Westerhoff III (Foreword by)
David Prior
David W. Baker, T. Desmond Alexander, Bruce K. Waltke
Debra Hirsch
Diana Gruver
Don Everts, Doug Schaupp, Val Gordon
Donald English
Donald Guthrie
Dr Dan B Allender, PLLC
Duane Elmer
Edmund Clowney
Ellie Margesson
Emilio Alvarez
Emily Hunter McGowin
Esau McCaulley
Eugene H. Peterson
Eugene H. Peterson, Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen
First Nations Version
Fouad Masri
Garber Steven
Gena Thomas
Glenn Packiam
Gordon T. Smith
Graham Beynon
Graham Hill
Greg Ogden
Gregory Coles
Gregory K. Beale
Hetty Lalleman
Iain M. Duguid
Ian Coffey, Stephen Gaukroger
J. D. Payne
J. Mack Stiles; Mark Dever
Jake Meador
Jake Meador; Timothy Keller (Foreword by)
James Bryan Smith
James Sire
James W Sire
James W. Sire
Jason M. Baxter
Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker
Joanna Meyer
John R. W. Stott
John R.W. Stott
John Stott
Jon Hirst
Jonathan K. Dodson
Josh Larsen
Joshua J. Kanbb
Kelly M. Kapic
Kenneth E. Bailey
Kutter Callaway
Leon Morris
Lindsay Wilson
Louis Markos
Lucinda van der Hart & Anna France-Williams
Luke Cawley
Lynda Macgibbon
Majorie J. Thompson
Mark A. Yarhouse
Mark A. Yarhouse; Janet B. Dean; Michael Lastoria; Stephen P. Stratton
Mark Dever
Mark DeVries
Mark Greene
Mark Husbands; Daniel J. Treier
Mark Yarhouse & Olya Zaporozhets
Matthew S. Harmon
Matthew S. Stanford
Melvin Tinker
Michael Card
Michael Reeves
Michael Wilcock
Michelle Ferrigno Warren
Molly Wall; Jason Mandryk
Muriel I. Elmer, Duane H. Elmer
Nancy Nason-Clark, Catherine Clark Kroeger
Neil Hudson
Neil Powell, John James,
Nijay K. Gupta
Os Guinness
Patty Lane
Paul Barnett
Paul Borthwick
Paul Borthwick; Christopher J. H. Wright (Foreword by)
Paul Borthwick; Dave Ripper
Peter Adam
Peter Jenson
Peter Kreeft
Philip E. Dow
Rachel Marie Stone
Raymond Brown
Richard J Mouw
Rick Richardson
Roy E. Ciampa
Ruth Haley Barton
Sam Allberry
Sharon Dirckx
Sharon Garlough Brown
Sharon Garlough Brown (Contribution by)
Sharon Garlough Brown; Sharron Carrns
Sinclair B. Ferguson
Stephen Gaukroger
Stephen Witmer; Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. (Foreword by)
Steven Garber
Stina Kielsmeier-Cook
T. Desmond Alexander
Thomas Breimaier
Tim Chester
Tim Farron
Tim Muehlhoff, Clinton E. Arnold
Timothy Larsen (Editor)
Tish Harrison Warren
Todd C. Ream; Jerry Pattengale
Tom Gledhill
Travis Dickinson
Trevin Wax
Trillia Newbell
Vaughan Roberts
Wang Yi
Wayne Grudem
Wendy Elizabeth Chapin
William Edgar
Zachary Wagner
IVP Academic
Bonnidell Clouse
Carmen Joy Imes, J. Richard Middleton
Danielle Treweek
E. Randolph Richards, Richard James
Esau McCaulley, Janette H. Ok, Osvaldo Padilla, Amy L. B. Peeler
J. Michael Jordan
Jeremy Begbie
Mark Glanville
Robert Tracy McKenzie
IVP Books
Brian Chung
Calvin Miller
Clark H. Pinnock
Dick Lucas
Dorothy Littell Greco
Gem & Alan Fading
John D. Rempel
Oren R. Martin
IVP Formatio
Fleming Rutledge
IVP Kids
Elrena Evans, Rebecca Evans
IVP praxis
Mark DeVries & Scott Pontier
Mark E. Strong
ack Kuhatschek
Adele Ahlberg Calhoun & Tracey Bianchi
Alan J Thompson
Alan J. Thompson
Alan Thomas
Alec Motyer
Alister E. McGrath
Amanda Robbie
Amy Orr-Ewing
Andrea Sterk, Peter Scazzero
Andreas Kostenberger, T D Alexander
Andrew Bunt
Andrew Cameron
Andrew Comiskey
Andrew G. Shead
Andrew S. Malone
Andrew Sach, Tim Hiorns
Andrew Shead
Andrew Wilson
Barry Webb
Bradley G. Green
Brian J. Tabb
Brian S. Rosner
Bruce Milne
Carolyn Nystrom
Catherine Campbell
Chris Bruno; Jared Compton; Kevin McFadden
Chris Green
Christopher Ash
Christopher J.H. Wright
Colin G. Kruse
Craig L. Blomberg
D A Carson
D. A. Carson
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen
Dale Ralph Davis
Daniel C. Timmer
Daniel Strange
David G Firth
David Gibson
David Hohne
David Pao
David Peterson
David Prior
Dean Ulrich
Deborah Meyer
Dick Lucas, Chris Green
Donald Baker
Doug Don; Schaupp Everts
Ed Shaw
Emily Ackerman
Emma Scrivener
Eric Ortlund
Francis I. Andersen
Gary Millar
Glynn Harrison
Graeme Goldsworthy
Graham A. Cole
Graham Beynon
Graham Cole
Graham Hooper
Gregory Goswell, Peter Lau
Henri Blocher
I. H. Marshall (Editor)
J. I. Packer
James M. Hamilton, Jr.
James R. Edwards
John R. W. Stott
John R.W. Stott
John Stott
John Wyatt
Johnny Ivey & Joanna Ivey
Jonathan Griffiths
Karl Deenick
L Michael Morales
Leonardo De Chirico
Liz Carter
Marcus Honeysett
Marcus Nodder
Mark A. Seifrid
Mark Brickman
Mark J. Boda
Mark Thompson
Martin J Selman
Mary J. Evans
Matthew S. Harmon
Michael J. Ovey
Michael Ots
Michael Wilcock
Neil Hudson
Nick Pollard
Nigel Beynon; Andrew Sach
P. Barnett
Paul Barnett
Paul Beasley-Murray
Paul Borthwick
Paul R. Williamson
Peter Bolt
Peter Orr
Peter T O'Brien
R. T. France
Raymond Brown
Rhonda Watson
Richard Alldritt
Richard J. Foster & Gayle D. Beebe
Richard Lints
Robert A. Peterson
Robert S. Fyall
Sam Allberry
Sharon Dirckx
Stephen G. Dempster
Steve Jeffery
Tim Chester
Tim Gough
Timothy S Laniak
Timothy Ward
Todd Hunter
Trevor J. Burke
Vaughan Roberts
W. Ross Blackburn
Alan Noble
Andy Crouch
Andy Draycott
Calvin Miller
Craig L. Blomberg
David G. Benner
Drew Jackson
Duane Elmer
F. F. Bruce
Helen Cepero
Holly Catterton Allen, Christine Lawton Ross
J. D. Payne
James Bryan Smith
Justin Earley
Kaitlyn Schiess
Katie J. Rawson
Ken Blue
Kenneth E Bailey
L Michael Morales
Lamar Hardwick
Laurie Krieg, Matt Krieg
M Robert Mulholland (Jr)
Mandy Smith
Mark A. Yarhouse & Julia A. Sadusky
Mark DeVries
Mark R. Glanville, Luke Glanville
Mary J. Evans
Os Guinness
Rachel Joy Welcher
Richard E. Lovelace
Rob Dixon
Ruth Haley Barton
Ryan Shaw
Sandra L Richter
Sandra L. Richter
Scott W. Sunquist
Steve Wilkens, Mark L. Sanford
Steven Garber
Tim Muehlhoff
Tish Harrison Warren
Tod Bolsinger
Tremper Longman III
Yandell & Netland
Ivy Press
Russell Re Manning
Jackie Randall
Jackie Randall
Jason Gaboury
Jay Jeffries
Jay Jeffries
Jedko Games
Playing Cards
Jessica Kingsley
Soli Lazarus, Adriana Camargo
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Anthea Hendry
Eliza Fricker
Fiona Zandt, Suzanne Barrett, Richy K. Chandler
Huxtable, Amy E.
Kathy Hoopmann
M.D. Martin L. Kutscher
Michael Barton
Paul Nash; Sally Nash; Kathryn Darby; Rebecca Nye
Sonia Ali
Jimmy Dingo
Magda Cawthorne
Joey Games
John Murray
Alister E McGrath
Andrew Peterson
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Keller, Timothy
Mona Delahooke
Nancy Koehn
Nick Page
Tim Keller
John Murray Press
New International Version
John Wiley
Bruce Miller
Fernández-Aráoz, Claudio
Joiner, William B.
Patrick Lencioni
John Wiley & Sons
Mike Bonem; Roger Patterson; Greg L. Hawkins (Foreword by)
Parker J. Palmer
Patrick Lencioni
Patrick M. Lencioni
Ram Charan
Jonathan Cape
Tim Spector
Josh Goscombe
Josh Goscombe
Jossey Bass
Neil Cole
Sam M. Intrator, Megan Scribner
Smith, Diana McLain
John Richardson Jr.
Kangaroo Pr
Patricia A. Thompson, Betty Maloney
Kasie Bingham
Kasie Bingham
Board Game
Keats, Michael (Keats Holdings Pty Limited)
Michael Keats
Kharis Publishing
Matt Aroney
Kids Can Press
Etta Kaner, Carl Wiens
King Street Press
Jodie McLeod
Kirkdale Press
Elyse M. Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher
Kitten Games
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Sarah Ruden
Knowledge Builder
Board Games
Dance C Ortlund
H. Norman Wright
John Piper
Ken Magnuson
William L. Hathaway & Mark A. Yarhouse
Card Game
Word Game
Kotes by Kobe
Glen Schuknecht
Jeremy M. Kimble
Katie Wetherbee & Jolene Philo
Lydia Munn; Heather Munn
Martin Luther
Mary Jo Sharp
Randy Newman
Timothy C. Tennant
La Trobe
Gari Tudor-Smith, Paul Williams, Felicity Meakins
Charles Ringma
John Steward
Joshua Maule
Peter Thein Nyunt
Rachel Rajagopal
Stuart Brooking
Timoteo D. Gener
Yohanna Katanacho
Langham Academic
Adam Szumorek
Langham Global Library
Accad, Martin
Adeyemo, Tokunboh
Andrews, Jonathan
Arthur, J. Bryson
Baker, David L.
Bankston, Will
Bjork, David E.
Bose, Bobby
Bowers, Paul
Brooking, Stuart
Chalk, Jack Pryor
Cheung, Luke L.
Chia, Roland
Das, Rupen
Deininger, Fritz
Dharamraj, Havilah
Eaton, Michael A.
Escobar, Samuel
Ferenczi, Jason
Ferreira, Johan
Ferris, Robert W.
Gene L. Green
George, Roji Thomas
Glaser, Ida
Gorospe, Athena E.
Green, Gene L.
Groves, Jonathan D.
Hanes, Pavel
Hardy, Steven A.
Hathaway, Bridget
Heißwolf, Martin
Helleman, Wendy Elgersma
Hill, Graham Joseph
Hoggarth, Pauline
Jaison, Jessy
Johnson, John E.
Kapolyo, Joe M.
Kashouh, Hikmat
Kassis, Riad A.
Kim, Koowon
Ko, Ming Him
Kombo, James Henry Owino
Kuhn, Michael F.
Lidstone, Julyan
Low, Maggie
Magda, Ksenija
Maggay, Melba Padilla
Mamo, Ermias G.
Manaloto, Emerson T.
Masarik, Albín
Modine, Mitchel
Mulatu, Semeon
Munayer, Salim J.
Nehemiah, Joseph
New, Geoff
Ngaruiya, David K.
Niringiye, David Zac
Noëlliste, Dieumeme
Olofinjana, Israel Oluwole
Ott, Bernhard
Oxenham, Marvin
Paul A. Barker
Pierson, Cheri L.
Priest, Robert
Ramachandra, Vinoth
Reed, Rodney L.
Reimer, Johannes
Reitsma, Bernhard J. G.
Ronsen, Oddvar Sten
Roy, Kevin
Salinas, J. Daniel
Satyavrata, Ivan M.
Shao, Rosa Ching
Shaw, Ian J.
Shaw, Mark
Shaw, Perry
Shehadeh, Imad N.
Shreve, Kenneth
Smith, David W.
Smith, Kevin Gary
Soh, Davina Hui Leng
Soo Hoo, Gilbert
Spurgeon, Andrew B.
Stott, John
Timothée Joset
Tira, Sadiri Joy
Too Shao, Joseph
Tran, John C. W.
Uytanlet, Samson L.
Valeriia Chornobai, Viktoriia Hrytsenko
van den Toren, Benno
Villanueva, Federico G.
Wiher, Hannes
Wintle, Brian
Wright, Christopher J. H.
Langham Monographs
Adhinarta, Yuzo
Agang, Sunday Bobai
Akiri, Mwita
Azumah, John
Biwul, Joel K. T.
Boonyakiat, Satanun
Churnai, Varunaj
Cueva, Samuel
Daniel, Seblewengel
Deboch Anshiso, Bekele
Emmanuel, Mano
Foday-Khabenje, Aiah
Gao, Ming
George, Annie
Go, Raymundo
Habarurema, Viateur
Haokip, Jangkholam
Harjanto, Sutrisna
Htoo, Aung
Huang, Luping
Isaac, Munther
Jabini, Franklin Steven
Julius, Qaiser
Kang, Bo Young
Karura, Mwaniki
Kevichusa, Kethoser Aniu
Komolafe, Sunday Jide
Kovács, Ábrahám
Kravtsev, Andrey
Kunene, Musa Victor Mdabuleni
Laldinsuah, Ronald
Lama, A. K.
Layang, Seng Ja
Lo, Sarinah
Lui, Otto
Lukadi Noah, Levi
Lygunda li-M, Fohle
Mansour, Rula Khoury
Massingue, Xavier
Mbewe, Conrad
Munyenyembe, Rhodian
N’Guessan, Noël K.
Nazir, F. A.
Nguyen, KimSon
Niringiye, David Zac
Nkansah-Obrempong, James
Nuthalapati, B. E. Bharathi
Nzyoka Joshua, Nathan
Oei, Amos Winarto
Olwa, Alfred
Onyango, Emily Awino
Oprean, Daniel G.
Oseje, Lawrence
Padilla, C. René
Priest, Chinyere Felicia
Prokhorov, Constantine
Qu, Li
Rasolondraibe, Seth Andriamanalina
Sahile, Yohannes Tesfaye
Saïdi, Farida
Santiago, Fabián
Sarma, B. A.
Satyavani, Puttagunta
Sebahene, Alfred
Semwayo, Colin
Sergienko, Gennadi A.
Sun, Joyce Wai-Lan
Tan, Hann Tzuu Joey
Thang, Robert Khua Hnin
Tsvirinko, Vyacheslav
Turbi Luka, Reuben
Uayan, Jean Uy
Ubeivolc, Vladimir
Varkey, Wilson
Wahba, Tharwat
Wong, Bernard K.
Wu, Jeanne
Xue, Xiaxia E.
Yashim, Stephen Z.
Ye-Atkinson, Rebecca
Yu, Hui Er
Langham Preaching Resources
Barker, Paul A.
Crowter, Phil
Frederico G. Villanueva
Greg Scharf
Hwa Yung
Katanacho, Yohanna
Lamb, Jonathan
Mbewe, Conrad
Meynell, Mark
New, Geoff
Robertson, Murray
Sprouse, David
Stott, John
Wright, Christopher J. H.
Latimer Trust
Allan Chapple
Andrew Atherstone
Andrew Cinnamond
Ashley J. Null
Ben Cooper
Benjamin Dean (Editor); Adriaan C. Neele (Editor)
Benjamin Sargent
Charles Raven
Colin Bale, Erin Mollenhauer, Mark Earngey
Ed Loane
Ed Moll
Edward Loane
Erin Mollenhauer
Gerald Bray
Gerald L Bray
Gerald L. Bray
John Stott
Keith Birchley
Keith Condie
Kirsten Birkett
Lee Gatiss
Marian Raikes
Mark Burkill
Mark Earngey & Stephen Tong
Martin Davie
Michael Jensen
Mike Ovey
Nicholas D. Okoh
Peter Adam
Peter G. Bolt
Richard D. Turnbull
Richard Shumack
Rob Smith
Slavko Eždenci
Tim Patrick
Laurence King Publishing
Chris Humfrey
John Mullan
Simon Landrein
Le Scorpion Masque
Leading Systems Press
Dr Roberta Gilbert
Leading the Way
Michael Youssef
Leafwood Publishers & Acu Press
Cory Seibel
Let's Play Games
Letiman Games
Letiman Games
Levine Querido
Daniel Neyeri
Lexham Press
Austin M. Freeman
Ben Myers
Benjamin Myers
Benjamin T. Quinn
Charlies E. Hill
Chase Kuhn
Chris L. Firestone & Alex H. Pierce
Coleman M. Ford
Ewan C. Goligher
Gerald Bray
Graham A. Cole
Harold L. Senkbeil
Harold Senkbeil
J.I. Packer
John Andrew Bryant, Kathryn Greene-McCreight
John Stott
Kirsten R Birkett
Larry W. Hurtado
Mark Yarhouse
Matthew A. Lapine
Michael Heiser
Michael S. Heiser
Rob Smith
Robert Elmer
Sam Chan
Stephen Williams & Susan L. Williams
Tim Perry
Todd R. Hains
Lexington Books
Kalman J. Kaplan
Lexington Books/Fortress Academic
Bruce A. Stevens
Gerald Cattiaux
Mark Greene
LICC Limited
Mark Green
Amy Baik Lee
Jackie Hill Perry
Jen Wilkin
Jennifer Lyell
Matt Chandler
Rebecca McLaughlin
Russell Moore
Ruth Chou Simmons
Trevin Wax
Lifeway Press
Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine L. Holmes, Melissa Kruger
Lifeway Women
R. C. Sproul
Richard Phillips
Steve Lawson
Ligonier Ministries
John Calvin
R.C. Sproul
John Dickson
Krish Kandiah
Lois Rock
Nick Butterworth
R J Berry
Lion Books
Bob Hartman
James Harpur
John Andrew Denny
John C. Lennox
John Lennox
Maggie Barfield
Michelle P. Brown
Mig Holder
Penelope Wilcock
Peter Martin
Rowan Williams
Sheridan Voysey
Lion Hudson
Davis Burnett
Dr Marjory F. Foyle
Hannah & Martyn Whittock
Jill Dalladay
Lois Rock
Mig Holder
Peter Martin
Lion Hudson Children
Lion Hudson Limited
Kenneth Steven
Louise Morse
Yates, Timothy
Lion Hudson Publishing
Graham Holderness
John C. Lennox
Philip Jenkins
Lioness Publishing
James Webb
Lioness Writing Limited
James Webb
Little Brown
Allen, David
Kim Stanley Robinson
Marilynne Robinson
Mary Oliver
Tara Isabella Burton
Virginia Postrel
Little Brown & Company
Edith Nesbit
Marilynne Robinson
Mary Oliver
Tom Holland
Little Codr
Little Loft Publishing
Nicholas Bucholtz, Andy Catling
Little Lost Bookshop
Colin J. Smothers
Naomi Reed
Neville Burns
Little Pink Dog Books
Masson, Sophie
Aimee Chan
Little Steps Publishing
Living Ink Books
Jenny L. Cote
Jenny L. Cote; Jenny Cote
Board Game
Lookout Games
Looney Labs
Card Game
Loose Parts Press
Naomi Crew
Sharon Baldwin
Skye Taylor
Lost Coin
Lee Gatiss
Lost Coin Books
Julia Cameron
Lost Sheep Resources
Andrew McDonough
Lothian Children's Books
Davina Bell & Hilary Jean Tapper
Inga Simpson
Megan McKean
Sami Bayly
Caro Ryan
Lucky Duck Games
Board Game
Katie Treggiden
Ludus Magnus
Board Game
Lulu Books
Paul Kershaw
Macarthur Press
Jim Smith
MacLaurin Institute
Ram Gidoomal
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Kate James
Magabala Books
Sally Morgan
Magic Cat
Mya-Rose Craig
Rachel Williams
Manna Trading
Adam Grubb; Annie Raser Rowland
Marek Toy
Marc Paquien
Matt Fuller
Matt Fuller
Card Game
Mattel Games
Matthias Media
Al Stewart
Alan James Stewart
Andrew Errington
Andrew Heard
Andrew Laird
Andrew Moody
Andrew Reid, Karen Morris
Annie Kratzsch
Brian Rosner
Broughton Knox
Bryson Smith
Bryson Smith; Mi Mai Gong Fang (Translator)
Chase R. Kuhn
Cheng Gordon
Claire Smith
Colin Marshall
Colin Marshall, Tony Payne
Colin Marshall; Tony Payne
Craig Hamilton
Craig Josling
Dave Moore
David Broughton Knox
David Helm
David Jackman
David McDonald
David Mears
Des Smith
Dominic Steele
Emily Cobb
Gary Miller, Phil Campbell
Geoff Robson
Gerard O'Brien (Editor)
Gordon Cheng
Guan Un
Ian Carmichael
J C Ryle
J. G. Millar; Phil Campbell; Gary Millar
James Stone
Jocelyn Loane
John Chapman
John Chapman, Tony Payne
John Chapman; Mi Mai Gong Fang (Translator)
John Dickson
John Woodhouse
Jon Nielson
Joshua Ng
Kamina Wust
Karen Beilharz
Karl Deenick
Kel Richards
Ken Noakes
Kim Hawtrey
Kirsten Birkett
Kirsten Renee Birkett
Lee Carter
Lionel Windsor
Manchester Simon; Manchester Kathy
Mark Gilbert
Martin Ayers
Matt Olliffe
Matthew Jensen
Matthew Olliffe
Matthias Media
Megan Best
Michael Bennett
Michael Hill
Michael Jensen
Mikey Lynch
Nathan Lovell
Patricia Weerakoon, Rob Smith
Paul Grimmond
Peter Bolt
Peter Collier
Peter F. Jensen
Philip Jensen
Philip Percival
Phillip D. Jensen
Phillip Jensen
Phillip Jensen, Tony Payne
Print Books
Raiter Michael
Ray Galea
Richard Chin
Richard Sweatman
Richard Sweatman & Antony Barraclough
Rob Smith; Mike Raiter
Rory Shiner
Rory Shiner, Peter Orr
Sally Sims
Samuel Green
Scott Blackwell
Scott Petty
Simon Flinders
Simon Manchester
Stephanie and Ian Carmichael; Dawn Lam (Illustrator)
Stephanie Carmichael
Stephen Driscoll
Stephen Liggins
Stephen Shead
Tony J Payne
Tony Payne
Tony Payne (Translator)
Tony Payne & Geoff Robson
Tony Payne; Phillip Jensen
Virginia Grice
Melbourne University Press
Stephen Chavura
Melliodora Publishing
Beck Lowe, David Holmgren
David Holmgren
Joan Webster
Rosemary Morrow
Ross and Jenny Mars
Geoffrey Chang
Ike Reeder, Derrick Brite
Robert J. Cara Robert J. Cara
Mentor Books
J. V. Fesko
Joel R. Beeke & Michael P.V. Barrett
Rev Dr. Keith Garner
Michael Bayliss
Michael Bayliss
Michael O'Mara
Ana Sampson
Chris Stafferton
Milkweed Editions
Mark Tredinnick
Susan O'Connor (Editor); Annick Smith (Editor)
Mind Ware
Mint Editions
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Emily Dickinson
Herman Hesse
T.S. Elliot
W.B. Yeats
Andrew Boyd
Jeanette Howard
Joanna Collicutt, Roger Bretherton, Jennifer Brickman
John Stott
Steve Cioccolanti
Monarch Books
Dallas Willard
Monash University Publishing
Stuart Piggin
Stuart Piggin; Robert D. Linder
Mondo Games
A.W. Tozer
Daniel Henderson; Erwin W. Lutzer (Foreword by)
Ella K. Lindvall
Erwin W. Lutzer
G. K. Chesterton; Charles Colson (Foreword by)
Gary Chapman
Hannah Anderson
Helen L. Taylor
Jessica Thompson
John Bunyan
Juli Slattery
Kevin L. DeYoung; Joshua Harris (Foreword by)
Mark Sayers
Matt Markins, Mike Handler, Sam Luce
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Ray Rhodes
Rebecca McLaughlin
Skye Jethani
Steve Corbett; Brian Fikkert
Trillia J. Newbell
Moody Publishers
Becky Harling
Colleen Chao
Dan Paterson
Erin Davis, Jason Davis, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Hannah Anderson
Helen Taylor
J C Ryle
Jared C Wilson, Becky Wilson
Kevin DeYoung
Mark Jones
Michael Reeves
Mike Fabarez
Patrick Schreiner
Rebecca Mclaughlin
Skye Jethani
Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert
Steve Richardson
Trillia J. Newbell
Wendy Lawton
Card Game
Morehouse Publishing
Colette Bachand-Wood
Jean M. Denton
Morgan James Publishing
Beth & Jeff McCord
Morling Press
Jim Baucom
Mathew Kuruvilla
Morning Games
Card Game
Morning Star
Graham Hooper
Stuart Piggin
Morning Star Publishing
Jonathan Cornford
Mick Pope
Morning Star Publishing Pty, Limited
Jonathan Cornford
Mick Pope
Michael Bird
Michael Jensen
Mountain Brook
J.J. Fischer
Mountain Mist
Keith Painter
Mountain Peak
Irene Voysey
Mountain Street Media
Andrew Errington
Donald Robinson
Mark Wormell
Muddy Pearl
Luke Cawley
Mark Greene
David Platt
John Piper
Joni Eareckson Tada, John D Sloan
Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn
Multnomah Press
David Platt
Multnomah Publishers
Shaunti Feldhahn
Murdoch Books
Alex Elliott-Howery, Jaimee Edwards
Caitlin Marshall
Chloé Hayden
Damien Coulthard
Sophie Hansen
Tilly Pamment
Naomi Reed
Naomi Reed
Nathan Tasker
National Institute for Christian Education
Chris Parker
National Library of Australia
Tony Flowers
Brenna B. Jones
Catherine McNeil
Donald S Whitney, (Pr
Jason Hague
Jay Stringer
Jerry Bridges
Jerry Bridges; Gerald Bridges
Jim Petersen
Jim Wilder
Joel Clarkson
Kellye Fabian
Kerri Pomarolli; Matthew Paul Turner; Navigators Staff (Produced by)
Michael Frost
Paul E. Miller
Rod Wilson
Sarah Van Diest
Stan Jones
NavPress Publishing Group
Michael Card
New Frontier Publishing
Vescio, Robert
New Growth Press
Aaron Sironi, Joe Hox
Amy Baker
Andy Farmer
Andy Naselli & Champ Thornton
Barbara Bancroft
Barbara Miller Juliani
Basyle Tchividjian
Basyle Tchividjian & Justin Holcomb
Bob Kellemen
C John Miller
Cameron Cole & Charlotte Getz
Champ Thornton
Champ Thorton
Christopher Hutchinson
Cooper Pinson
Dave Powlison
David Powlison
David Powlison, Joe Hox
David White
Dee Brestin
Deepak Reju
Diane Langberg
Edward T Welch
Edward T. Welch
Edward T. Welch, Joe Hox
Edward Welch
Eliza Huie, Esther Smith
Elizabeth W D Groves
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Fil Anderson; Tim Riddle
Helen Thorne; Andrew Nicholls; David Powlison (Editor)
J A Myhre
J. Alasdair Groves, Joe Hox
Jack Klumpenhower
Jackie Gibson
Jared Kennedy, Trish Mahoney
Jared Mellinger
Jayne Clark
Jayne V Clark
Jennifer Myhre
Jocelyn Wallace
Joel Fitzpatrick
John Freeman
Jonathan Daugherty
Jonathan Gibson
Joni Eareckson Tada
Jonny Gibson, Timothy Brindle
Julie Lowe
Julie Lowe; Christian Counseling Educational Foundation
Justin Holcomb
Kristen Hatton
Larry E. McCall
Lauren Whitman, Joe Hox
Leslie Vernick
Linda Rooks
Lindsay Blair
Mark Earngey
Martin Machowski
Marty Machowski
Marty Machowski, Blair Files
Marty Machowski, Deepak Reju
Michael Emlet
Michael R Emlet
Michael R. Emlet
Mike McGarry
Paul David Tripp, M.DIV., D.Min.
R Nicholas Black
R. Nicholas Black
Rayn Showalter
Rita Jamison
Rob Green
Rob Green; Stephanie Green
Robert D Jones
Robert H. Thune
Robert H. Thune; Will Walker
Robert Smith
Samuel T. Logan
Shelby Abbott
Stephanie Green (University of Western Australia, Perth)
Stephen Viars
Steve Brown
Susan Lutz
Theodore A. Turnau III
Tim Lane
Tim Lane, Paul David Tripp
Tim S Lane
Timothy J. Witmer
Timothy S Lane
Trish Donohue
Welch, Edward T.
William P Smith
William Paul Smith
Winston P Smith
Winston T Smith
Winston T. Smith
New Leaf Publishing Group
Todd Friel
Chris Baker
NewSouth Books